The BUTIAZAL® essences are searched by Carmen Heller Barros. Their objective is to help the pursuit of balance and development of the beings in all levels (material, emotional, intellectual and spiritual) in these so quick and radical transformational times.
Procrastination (to do things afterwards). It helps one get in touch and act according to one's life's purpose. The father figure and the yang side of the personality
It establishes boundaries with sweetness, it helps to be less thorny when demarcating ones space. It keeps individuality / singularity in groups and at the same time being part of the team, it builds together with others taking part of a bigger whole, contributing in big projects. It aligns from the first to the seventh chakra, from the bottom to the top, from Earth to Heaven.
Light and shadow: useful when one needs to bring something from the shadow to the light, when one needs to "rise the veil" of the appearances. Rejection; abuse; physical and emotional violence. It activates and rebalances the feminine side. It helps contact with the inner Master; trust in our one's intuition. Patience and perseverance, it develops the quality to deal with time and the nature rhythms. It honors the sacred: it is in the inner silence, in the safety of intimacy that the mystery and the sacred can be revealed.
Purification. As a filter it detects the pollution that surrounds people as well as the one that lives inside them, allowing its liberation. Refinement and elevation: it goes beyond the simple surviving; uses the intelligence; searches for perfection; develops unconditional love; instigates the creativity; sexual evolution - from physical orgasm to a mystical experience, and searches the sublime.
Situations related to anger, hatred and fury; these powerful and stressful feelings work like poison that invades one's subtle bodies and can bring blindness, lack of discernment and unbridled aggressiveness. Butiá works as a "halt", allowing the person to reacquire his balance and discover what generated his lack of control. For those who suffer from social guilt and "good guy's syndrome". It combats the chronic weariness; strengthens the root chakra and the connection with Mother Earth; abundance.
Weakness and lack of energy. It helps to establish healthy boundaries; learn to say no without piercing the others; trust again.
Overcoming, the meaning beyond pain, hope and regeneration. For hypersensitive people, especially those who errect a barrier of anxiety, fanaticism and/or desire of justice.
Weakness and lack of energy. It helps to establish healthy boundaries; learn to say no without piercing the others; trust again.
It releases stressing situations associated to the collectivity, to the groups (school, sports, family, co-workers, fellowships, etc.). These difficulties, like shadowed mud, may cause deep marks on people in their physical, emotional, intellectual, and/or spiritual level. It softens the shame and the constraint.
It’s a terrestrial orchid. It helps to process the feelings, blemish, and pain of unrequited love. Face and work on unresolved relationships. Vibrate again in the energy of joy and spontaneity.
Terror, panic, despair, fear, deep sadness and the will of sleeping and not waking up anymore. For those who feel stuck in a web/labyrinth, it favors a healthy distance restoring ability to innovate and create alternative exits to life.
Stigma, when one feels labeled by others for being different; this act of being labeled can bring feelings of rejection and solitude. It develops self-love and self-acceptance.
For those who intend to conceive, create, commit wholly in a project. It helps devote the body and soul to a cause, building from scratch with one’s personal engagement (from one’s soul will).
It develops the yin side of the personality and the right hemisphere of the brain.
Brain hemispheres from the heart; it promotes a healthy alternation of yin/yang energies; unblocks the energy flow in the spine (central channel).
Dependence and co-dependence especially when they come from the feelings of not belonging to the planet. For those who "miss home and feel like coming back", or as a stranger on a strange land", including psychiatric cases. It helps one celebrate joy in this incarnation.
It develops the yang side of the personality and the left side of the brain.
It helps one to be present, live in the body; it activates the five senses, first chakra tonic.
Division, dissociation and loss of faith. For those who became too mental and lost the connection with the whole. This rupture, this split is caused by excessive air element, allowing the appearance of the "diablerie". Attachment to suffering and loss; fear of death.
It stimulates communication in all levels, strengths the speech; favors the balance between yin/yang energies; calms, purifies, and helps meditation.
When someone faces many transformations, on physical as well as emotional, intellectual or spiritual levels and feels in “pieces”, with no connection among the parts; it helps to join the pieces and make a quilt, something unique, beautiful and valuable.
It activates, energizes and opens the heart chakra. It is used for all cases of heart problems, on emotional (broken heart), mental or spiritual levels; contained weeping. Difficult choices; it helps to transform sacrifice into "sacro officio" (from Latin, which means holy office); remember one's soul commitments; remember and release one's "family pain". It benefits meditation and forgiveness.
To make internal or social connections, links, union and bonds. It helps to optimize resources that are often hidden or left out; it fights dispersion favoring concentration; teaches us about the importance and purpose of boundaries.
There are transformations/changes, in the physical body, natural or not, that come to stay, they are irreversible. This could cause discomfort, strangeness, despair and pain; it is necessary to manage what is inexorable in order to live well and happy with these changes. It helps to love the “new body”.
It helps one turn to the light, to luminous and to shine. Shaken faith, destiny and spasm; protection; pain relief. Dreams: aids one in having and remembering them. It helps to develop self-esteem and the vision (including physical level).
Meditation: it allows a dive into the depth of the spirit, illuminating the soul, filing life with enchantment; to enjoy the beauty, to bathe and walk in beauty. Appreciation of beauty is transcendant, enlightening and liberating.
Liberation of ancestral patterns that were fossilized, stagnated, including on the physical level, especially the ones that come from the family. It helps to flexibilize life.
It helps remember one's stellar origins; get in touch with the deep creativity; let the old go; relieve irritation.
In cases of encapsulated emotion, “old” emotion, whether on a spiritual, intellectual or emotional level. Useful in situations of deep fear or individual and/or collective panic, such as catastrophes that affect many people, when the fear is so great that it surpasses the fear of “my death” and reaches fear, the dread of the extermination of our people.
Rainbow Cathedral + dog. Comprehension of the basic instincts as the best protection and also, access to one’s ancestors; it activates the symbolic language comprehension; karmic release. Environmental: groups, attunements, etc. Crystal cleansing and energising.
Chrysanthemum Stone + black coleopteron. It strengthens the will power; helps establish priorities and find the right time to act and join harmony and change, avoiding precipitation.
Cross Stone + mares and foals. Balance of the four elements, centering, objectivity, and purpose firmness; it refines the purpose focus avoiding energetic leaking. For the crossroads of life, decision moments, life's guidance crisis. Useful in the conflicts parents/children, in the pain of losing children (growth and natural distance, death and/or abortion). It works the abundance.
Fluorite + pregnant cows. Protection: unblocks the aura energetically, activating it and facilitating the interrelation among its subtle bodies. It combats the tendency of the disorganized and chaotic growth. It balances the brain hemispheres; favors self-structuring.
Larimar + sargent major fishes. Disappointment in general and especially the ones that injure the inner child; opening of the heart; natural and deep breathing. It rebuilds the connection with the sacred and reestablishes the faith that was affected; helps to make up with the Guardian Angel and to play and smile again; releases body tension. Useful in creams and massage oils.
Obsidian + mabuya (a kind of small lizard). It helps one understand the unconscious language, establish communication - "bridges" - activate the "translators". For patients and therapists, especially in the beginning of the treatment and in the impasse situations. It helps one deal with unconscious issues kindly and softly. Mirror; grounding; difficulties in diagnoses; purification, cleanliness and regeneration; healthy and open sexuality, free from taboos and prejudice.
Tiger’s Eye + southern lapwing. Deep and overwhelming emotions such as fear, panic and rejection may manifest in the physical body as diseases. It helps the awareness of the body, including the bones – our inner limit. Inside the bones, in the sixth depth, space is alchemical, where all healing is possible. It provides the awareness of the body, what is blocking the alchemy of the body, allowing free flow to the inner radiance.
Rose crystallized quartz + Herkimer diamond + wild ducks. "Love ache", love disillusionment, affective losses, depression and deep ache of the heart. It helps one soften the heart and believe in the strength of love again.
To be open to and share blessings. Every moment heavenly blessings are pouring on us, they may come through the blessings of having what to eat, in the affectionate gaze of a stranger or the beloved one, in the blanket that warms. There are blessings everywhere and little, very little gratitude. Gratitude is “the yeast that makes the cake grow".
It helps to turn to the Divinity, trust in providence, in oneself and in others. It recovers shaky faith, seeks transcendence in everything one does, sacralizes life, sees the sacred within, in others and in nature. For those moments when one thinks of giving up because nothing makes sense.
Communication, freedom and creativity; group communication, prejudice and peace; pleasure, freedom, sexuality, happiness and celebration. It helps one turn to the happy side of life and cheer up, go on vacation and free the body.
Self-esteem and personal power; focus. For those difficult and stressing moments when all the attention and focus are needed not to waste energy. It helps one access self-intimacy and then share with the whole. Solitude.
Getting out of the state of inertia and looking for resources to recover full vital energy. Stop being a victim to yourself and others, regaining your power, knowing your rightful place. Learning to ask for help, accepting, and taking the necessary steps - protection is also an action.
It favors distance in turbulent periods; stimulates the limits perceptions as possible structures to find the way; favors the communication that fertilizes.
It helps one get in touch with the Goddess's web of life; matters linked to the mother and all yin side of the personality. "Ariadne's string", it helps weave one's destiny.
Bromelia Rosa + Butiá + Orquídea Feminina + Crisoprásio + Larimar + Sonho de Amor + Água Butiazeira + Enseada dos Golfinhos. It’s an essence for the fourth chakra, for the elements that accomplish the whole heart, its structure, nature and organization.
Butiá + Orquídea Hieròs Gámos + Cianita + Pedra d’Água + Sentinela + Água Butiazeira + Cerro + Senhora dos Ventos + Teia de Brumas. “Spiritual torture”, judgment, condemnation, destruction, spiritual abandonment, criticism, disruption of the flow of existence.
Ananás + Butiá + Rede + Orquídea Ciclâmen + Pedra d’Água + Cathedral do Arco-Íris + Enseada dos golfinhos. In group situations such as schools, associations, courses, meetings of any nature, sports, work teams of any kind, etc. To promote the encounter beyond me, to build with others, to create with myself in harmony, to develop harmony in the middle of the collective.
Butiá + Orquídea Ciclâmen + Orquídea Hieròs Gámos + Orquídea Morena + Égua da Cruz + Água Butiazeira + Teia de Brumas. For those who feel away from divinity, who don't believe in plenty, who think they don't deserve; it helps one realize and break these patterns. Generosity, gratefulness, and cleansing (let it go).
Butiá + Rede + Orquídea Magenta + Lápis-Lazúli + Larimar + Água Butiazeira + Enseada dos Golfinhos. Peace, being in peace, culture of peace, nonviolent communication, embracing conflicts.
Butiá + Orquídea das Concepções + Orquídea Feminina + Labradorita + Égua da Cruz + Fluva + Larimar + Praia do Leão. Giving birth, metamorphosis, transformation, being born / reborn / duing.
Butiá + Orquídea Amarela + Orquídea Ciclâmen + Orquídea Magenta + Orquídea Violeta + Cathedral do Arco-Íris + Égua da Cruz + Água Butiazeira + Teia de Brumas. Crises, emergencies, traumas, unbalances of any order, shocks, despair, frights, energy leaks, "holes" in the aura, accidents, etc. For the moments when we don't know what to do, how to act, what to think, how to help. Thought clarity and priority structuring. Useful in the beginning of treatments.
'Ãhinahina + Butiá + Orquídea Hieròs Gámos + Labradorita + Cathedral do Arco-Íris + Chrysanthemum Stone + Fluva + Cerro + Teia de Brumas. Face Light, sustain high vibrational frequency, work with the shadow, allow the Light to come in, bathe with Light. Useful with Apometry, Memory Regression and Chords Therapy.
Butiá + Orquída Hieròs Gámos + Orquídea das Concepções + Fluva + Teia de Brumas. Emergency situations for kids - illnesses, traumas, shocks, frights, accidents, escapes from reality (live in fantasy), escapism, difficulties of accepting the shadow.
Sesame oil + Ginger Essential Oil + BUTIAZAL® Essences. Use in the affected region and rub vigorously till it gets hot, two times a day minimum, morning and afternoon. For relaxation, muscle pain and tension, sprains, post-cramps, rheumatism, swollen articulation etc.
Olive oil + Ylang Ylang, Rosemary and Jasmine Essential Oils + BUTIAZAL® Essences. It is recommended to be used on the palm of the hands and on the sole of the feet, especially before going to sleep. It helps one live the pleasure of having a body, of being incarnated, develops intimacy with the matter and healthy sexuality.
Sesame oil + Essential Oils + Partoalegre. External use only, not
advisable during pregnancy.
Back massage, especially during in the
lumbosacral region, feet and hands. Do not use on mucous areas.
Physiological sodium chloride solution + Eucalyptus Essential Oil + BUTIAZAL® Essences. It helps all kinds of breathing troubles (flu, cold, allergy, etc.).
Vegetable gel + Essential Oils + BUTIAZAL® Essences. For caring and moisturizing face's skin in summer after sun exposure. It can be also used in urticarial, insect bites, itches in general, and soft burns (moisturizes and relieves the sting sensation).
Cereal Alcohol + Essential Oils + Arquitetura do Coração – Heart ArchitectureA Spray for the 4 th chakra, the middle chakra, which mediates and balances everything. It helps people calm down so they can live in the heart again, in their center, in their place of alchemy between spirit an matter.
Cereal Alcohol + Essential Oils + Conexão Tribal. To sprinkle on group environments, to promote the encounter, to go beyond oneself, to build with others, to create with oneself in harmony, to develop harmony in the midst of the collective.
Cereal Alcohol + Essential Oils + Cornucópia – CornucopiaIt enhances the vibrational level of environment; helps to break patterns of disbelief in abundance and to face divinity; develops generosity and gratitude; promotes cleanliness and let things go.
Cereal Alcohol + Essential Oils + Ametist and dolomite + PartoalegreFor the place were the parturient is, sprinkle on people’s aura and environment. It can be used many times on the parturient, like a “rain”, Do not use in areas with mucous.
Cereal Alcohol + Essential Oils + BUTIAZAL® Essences (A Senhora dos Mistérios + Butiá + Orq. Feminina + Cianita + Labradorita + Lápis - Lazúli + Madeira Petrificada + Larimar + Água Butiazeira) To calm down, silence the mind, embrace the calm, plunge into the stillness of the night, to sleep, dream and rest, solitude.
Cereal Alcohol + Essential Oils + Spring Water + Teia de Luz – Light Web + Clear Quartz and Black Tourmaline. Sustain high vibrational frequency in places such as healing offices, Spiritual Centers where healing processes happen. Face Light, work with the shadow, allow the Light to come in, bathe with Light. Useful with Apometry, Memory Regression and Cords Therapy.
70% Cereal Alcohol + Essential Oils + BUTIAZAL® Essences System. External use in the armpits, to avoid bad smell. Does not contain antiperspirant. Antiperspirant means that it prevents sweating, imagine for years a product preventing the natural functioning of a region of the body! It should be used at least twice a day, on hot days it is suggested to use it more often.
Composição: Shampoo neutro + Óleos Essenciais + BUTIAZAL® Essences System External use. To wash your head, especially for people who wash their hair very often.
Composição: Óvulos vaginais, confeccionados com gelatina a base de gengibre + BUTIAZAL® Essences System. Para mulheres. Ajuda a estabilizar o PH e fortalece a flora e fauna da região. São conservados em geladeira.
Non-ionic cream + BUTIAZAL® Essences System. Para mulheres, usar na
parte externa da vagina (episiotomia com cicatriz mais enrijecida, quando
há estreitamento da vulva ou dor durante o coito). Uso externo.
WICCA - Centro de Terapias Energéticas - Distributor
Homeograal Farmácia de Manipulação
Via Fórmula Farmácia Dermatológica
Farmácia Belle & Cia
BIOLÓGICA - Farmácia de Manipulação e Homeopatia
Chi Centre
Vitalpharma Farmácia de Manipulação
Confiança Farmácia & Manipulação
Butiazal® Essences System
it is an Essence System classified as a complementary, non-drug practice, which helps to balance and harmonize the individual. The allusions made to the physical aspects, if any, if are intended to alert the flower essence therapist that that aspect may be associated with a type of suffering of the soul, which is the focus of the System.