When you use a floral essence, it awakens in you the awareness of your gifts and potentials that need to be unlocked or strengthened. They are catalysts of the personal evolution process, subtly bringing to consciousness the patterns that need to be changed, in addition to providing the care and tools necessary for healing and opening up new paths and new possibilities for being.
This course has the proposal to equip interested parties to work with the system of flower essences BUTIAZAL® Essences. Thus, the program of the course includes modules for theoretical and experiential learning that include: sensitization in dealing with essences, knowledge of a new system and our region, the presentation of Butia palm grove, the place where essences are created, the presentation of each essence and its purpose, the application of essences (how to choose), anamnesis, the relationship of essences with other therapies, the role of the therapist, how to conduct a consultation and the presentation of the results of using the essences.
Get in touch to find out about new courses and their dates!
That is an area of integration that unites Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina, promoting environmental conservation and the sustainable use of biodiversity associated with Butia palm groves. It is a connection of people, places and ideas in a large territory where there is an important cultural link with the butiá.
The Butia Palm Grove Network (Rota dos Butiazais in portuguese and Red Palmar in Spanish) is expanding and has been built in a participatory manner, taking into account social, cultural, environmental and economic aspects. It is coordinated by Embrapa Clima Temperado, with the support of the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment, and has the partnership of a large number of teaching and research institutions, NGOs and private initiatives, acting where there are remnants of Butia palm groves or where butiá represents an important component of the local scene.
WICCA - Centro de Terapias Energéticas - Distributor
Homeograal Farmácia de Manipulação
Via Fórmula Farmácia Dermatológica
Farmácia Belle & Cia
BIOLÓGICA - Farmácia de Manipulação e Homeopatia
Chi Centre
Vitalpharma Farmácia de Manipulação
Confiança Farmácia & Manipulação
Butiazal® Essences System
it is an Essence System classified as a complementary, non-drug practice, which helps to balance and harmonize the individual. The allusions made to the physical aspects, if any, if are intended to alert the flower essence therapist that that aspect may be associated with a type of suffering of the soul, which is the focus of the System.